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How to Delete Nth Item from an Array in Python (With Code Examples)

Hey there, Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you needed to remove the nth occurrence of an item from an array? Imagine you have a list of your favorite snacks, and you want to remove the third occurrence of 'chocolate' because you've had enough for the day. In this article, we'll explore a handy function called 'delete_nth' that does exactly that. we'll use array manipulation and explore different ways to tackle this problem.

Table of Contents
Delete Nth Item from an Array

Understanding the Problem

Before we jump into the code, let's take a moment to understand the problem at hand. Imagine you have a list of items, and you want to remove the nth occurrence of a specific item from that list. For example, if you have the list [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3] and you want to remove the items that occur more than twice (n = 2), the resulting list would be [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3].

Breaking Down the Problem

To solve this problem, we need to:

  1. Iterate through the list.
  2. Keep track of the occurrences of each item.
  3. Remove the items that exceed the specified limit (n).

Naive Approach: Using a Loop

Let's start with a straightforward approach using a loop to solve this problem.

def delete_nth_naive(array, n):
    ans = []
    for num in array:
        if ans.count(num) < n:
    return ans

How It Works

  1. We create a new list called ans to store the resulting array.
  2. We iterate through each number num in the input array.
  3. For each num, we check if its count in the ans list is less than n.
  4. If the count is less than n, we append num to the ans list.
  5. Finally, we return the ans list containing the modified array.

While this approach gets the job done, it has a time complexity of O(n^2) due to the nested loop created by the count() method. Can we do better? Let's find out!

Efficient Approach: Utilizing Hash Tables

To optimize our solution, we can leverage the power of hash tables (or dictionary in Python). Hash tables allow us to store and retrieve items efficiently, reducing the time complexity to O(n).

def delete_nth(array, n):
    result = []
    counts = collections.defaultdict(int)
    for i in array:
        if counts[i] < n:
            counts[i] += 1
    return result

How It Works

  1. We create an empty list called result to store the modified array.
  2. We initialize a defaultdict called counts to keep track of the occurrences of each item.
  3. We iterate through each item i in the input array.
  4. For each i, we check if its count in the counts dictionary is less than n.
  5. If the count is less than n, we append i to the result list and increment its count in the counts dictionary.
  6. Finally, we return the result list containing the modified array.

By using a hash table, we eliminate the need for nested loops and achieve a time complexity of O(n).

Breaking It Down Step-by-Step

Let's go through the efficient approach step-by-step with an example to understand it better.

Suppose we have the array [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3] and n = 2.

  1. We create an empty result array result = [] and an empty dictionary counts = {} to keep track of occurrences.
  2. We iterate through the array:
    • First element is 1. counts[1] is initially 0 (less than 2), so we add 1 to result and increment counts[1] to 1.
    • Next element is 2. counts[2] is initially 0 (less than 2), so we add 2 to result and increment counts[2] to 1.
    • Next element is 3. counts[3] is initially 0 (less than 2), so we add 3 to result and increment counts[3] to 1.
    • Next element is 1 again. counts[1] is now 1 (less than 2), so we add 1 to result and increment counts[1] to 2.
    • Next element is 2 again. counts[2] is now 1 (less than 2), so we add 2 to result and increment counts[2] to 2.
    • Next element is 1 again. counts[1] is now 2 (equal to 2), so we skip adding 1 to result.
    • Next element is 2 again. counts[2] is now 2 (equal to 2), so we skip adding 2 to result.
    • Next element is 3 again. counts[3] is now 1 (less than 2), so we add 3 to result and increment counts[3] to 2.
  3. The final result array is [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3].

Comparing Time Complexity

Let's take a closer look at the time complexity of both approaches:

  • Naive Approach: O(n^2)
    • The nested loop created by the count() method results in a quadratic time complexity.
  • Efficient Approach: O(n)
    • By using a hash table, we reduce the time complexity to linear time.

As the size of the input array grows, the efficient approach becomes increasingly advantageous in terms of performance.

Additional Tips and Tricks

  • If you want to modify the original array instead of creating a new one, you can use a similar approach with a list comprehension and a dictionary.
  • You can also use the built-in collections.Counter class to keep track of occurrences instead of a defaultdict.
  • If you're working with large arrays and memory efficiency is a concern, you can use a more space-efficient data structure like a bit vector or a hash set to keep track of occurrences.

Practical Applications and Real-World Scenarios

Understanding how to delete the nth occurrence of an item from an array has various practical applications. Here are a few real-world scenarios where this skill comes in handy:

  1. Data Processing: When working with large datasets, you might need to filter out duplicate entries or remove items that exceed a certain threshold.

  2. Algorithm Optimization: Efficient array manipulation techniques are crucial for optimizing algorithms and improving the performance of your Python programs.

  3. Game Development: In game development, you often need to manage game objects and remove specific instances of items from arrays based on certain conditions.

By mastering the art of deleting the nth item from an array, you'll be well-equipped to tackle these challenges and more!

Conclusion: Congratulations, Pythonista! 🎉 You've learned how to delete the nth item from an array in Python using both a naive approach and an efficient approach utilizing hash tables. Understanding the time complexity of each approach helps you make informed decisions when designing your Python programs.

Remember, practice makes perfect! Keep exploring different array manipulation techniques and applying them to real-world scenarios. With your newfound knowledge, you're ready to conquer any array-related challenge that comes your way. Happy coding! 💻✨


  1. Q: What is the time complexity of the naive approach for deleting the nth item from an array? A: The time complexity of the naive approach is O(n^2) due to the nested loop created by the count() method.

  2. Q: How does using a hash table improve the efficiency of deleting the nth item from an array? A: Using a hash table allows us to store and retrieve the counts of each item efficiently, reducing the time complexity to O(n).

  3. Q: Can we modify the code to remove items that occur more than a specific number of times? A: Yes! By adjusting the condition if counts[i] < n in the efficient approach, you can remove items that exceed any desired count.

  4. Q: Are there any limitations to using the efficient approach with hash tables? A: The efficient approach requires additional space to store the hash table, which can be a consideration for very large arrays.

  5. Q: Can these techniques be applied to arrays containing elements other than numbers? A: Absolutely! The same principles apply to arrays containing any type of elements, such as strings or custom objects.